Last week, Miss Bailey received an email from Mark Chrimbo. Here it is...
Dear Miss Bailey,
I am emailing you to let you know of my intentions to open a brand new Christmas Store in Hethersett. As a teacher in the area I was hoping you would be able to provide me with information about where I might be able to find some keen, motivated individuals who would be able to assist me in opening a store before Christmas.
There is not long to go and I realise that deadlines are tight, but with the right staff I feel we could pull this one off and open in time for Christmas.
I have attached the job descriptions and an application form. Can you pass these onto anyone you think would be interested in this exciting new venture!
I look forward to your response,
Mark Chrimbo CEO Christmas Corporation Limited
22 Sleigh Street
Rudolph Road
We decided to apply - here are some of the application forms we completed.
The next thing we knew, we got the job!
Many thanks for the applications you sent me. I am delighted to tell you that I would like to offer you all the job you applied for. Congratulations! You are now an important staff member here at Christmas Corporation Limited. I have attached a contract for you to sign. You will start employment straight away with us. Unfortunately we are unable to pay you as you are only young, but I will make sure we send some chocolate your way in the post very soon to keep your energy levels up!
Now then - down to business - as our only employees in Hethersett, it is now down to you to put your heads together and think about the store we will be opening.
Christmas is our theme - so think mince pies, Christmas decorations and hot chocolates! Your first task is to get your thinking hats on and let me know your ideas for our business.
What should we sell in the shop?
What should we serve in the cafe?
What should our store look like - do you think decorations are important?
Let me know - it's probably best to write your ideas down in a letter.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Kind regards,
Mark Chrimbo
Now it was time to really get started. We have lots of work ahead of us. First, we decided to write our ideas in a letter and send them to Mark Chrimbo. Here are some of our letters we wrote.
We posted them to Mr Chrimbo and can't wait to hear back from him!