Monday, 24 March 2014

A Rumble in the Jungle!



The work of Henri Rousseau has inspired us over the last few weeks to create our very own masterpiece! We liked his painting of the rainforest and thought the tiger creeping up through the grass was a really great effect. Even though we thought Henri had captured what a rainforest might look like really well, he had never actually been to the rainforest himself. Amazing! What a great imagination he must have had. 

Here are some of our own creations. We have used paint, collage and oil pastels to make our very own stormy jungles!

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Penguin Maths

Miss Bailey went shopping for penguin food last week and came into school with 70 tins of the stuff! Apparently they sell it in Sainsbury's.

She had bagged up the food for each penguin in our classroom that we had drawn and ordered the day before according to their height.
The smallest was the Galapagos Penguin (49cm) and the tallest was the Emperor Penguin (115cm). She had assumed that the penguins would eat about as much as they weighed, so she bagged up the tins in groups, but she forgot to label the bags with their names!

It was our job to get them into order. We estimated their weights at first, by becoming human scales and feeling how heavy the bags were, ordering them from lightest to heaviest. 

The next day we set about using the scales to test if our estimates were correct.

Our predictions were correct! But then we noticed.....
the heaviest penguins were not necessarily the tallest penguins. We thought about why this may be and decided that some penguins might be wider than others - we hadn't taken this into consideration when we measured and ordered the penguins at the beginning of the week. We thought the bigger penguins might be more greedy, but then we thought that some penguins might need more fat on their bodies depending on where they lived. Perhaps it is colder in some places.

Whilst we were weighing the penguin food, Miss Bailey asked us to estimate the weight of one tin of penguin food. We compared them to the weight of other foods, that have the weight written on them. This way we could make a mathematical prediction.
Our estimates were very close to the actually weight, which we found out was 490g.
We then used our prediction to calculate the total weight of some of the bags. Some of us even started to use the grid method for multiplication.

Reading Record

Our reading record is now working! :)
You can only edit it when you sign into your account, and you are only able to do this at school at the moment.
Once I give you your account information to take home with you, however, you will be able to add your comments about books at home too!
Miss Bailey

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Reading Record

Just a note to let everyone know we are experiencing a few technical problems with out new reading record (which you can find using the link to the right).
We are going to try again later in the week, and hopefully we will make some progress in allowing you all  to access it.
Thanks! Miss Bailey

Monday, 10 March 2014

Pizza anyone?

We had a fantastic time visiting Pizza Express a couple of weeks ago. We all made our very own pizza and chose the toppings we liked the most.

We learned a lot about the ingredients that Pizza Express used too. Did you know that Basil plants grow to be about 1m tall and that tomatoes come from South America! We are pizza making experts in year 3!